Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Learn All About Light!

Ever wonder why light Acts the way it does? Try exploring these links about the laws of light!

Ever wonder how Fun House Mirrors work? Click here to learn about how convex and concave surfaces refract light and change your image!

Ever notice how when you close one eye what you see changes? To learn how the phenomenon of parallax causes this, explore how one odd looking alien would see our world in Alien Eyes!

Now Explore these links about Light in Color!

Made from Dots. Many printed color pictures are not solid color at all, but rather a sea of dots in three or four different colors. You will explore how the process works in this activity.

Colored Shadows (Requires Java.) Funny things happen when colored lights cast shadows. You will use a simulation of such lights to see how this works.

Stellar Spectra. Astronomers can look at starlight and tell what the star is made of. You will look at light, separated into a spectrum, and figure out the elements from the spectral lines you see.

Educational Websites About Light!

From Radio Waves to Gamma Rays, NASA's website on the Electromagnetic Spectrum lets you learn about it all! Don't worry, visible light is one of the many waves you can learn about here!

If you think you're ready to save Earth, try applying what you know about light in Alien Attack!

Or, try another rescue mission with Operation Optics!