Saturday, January 05, 2008

Learn All About Electricity!

Build some background knowledge. Visit BBC's Using Electricity to start your learning!

Students, take some time to see if you can get the light bulb in the circuit to light!

See if you can get the bulb to glow more brightly by changing the battery!

Now, explore these other interactive websites!
Learn all about electrical safety, static electricity and even fruity electricity by visiting the "Atoms" Family and checking out Frankenstein's Lightning Laboratory!

Now try out the Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits!

Start Here: Build your own electric circuit online.

More Advanced: Now try your hand at making your very own complex electric circuit online!

Learn more at "Tech Topics: Electricity, Heat & Motion." You can see how electrons move, explore all aspects of electricity and let your imagination run wild in the final project, where you can build your own electronic being!

But wait! There's more! Battle Dr. Volt and save the world in Silicon Spies!

Now that you're really an expert, build your own circuit world!!